This is a pretty interesting award and to make it more interesting, here are my answers!
7 Things I Say More Often:
Bryan! No! Stop biting! Sit down! Dont run! You ah ...! Where is the cane?!!!!
7 Things I Did Before:
Slept till 10am on weekends. Went for a movie every Saturday night. Went to the gym every day after work. Watched TV. Went window shopping on weekends. A short vacation every 3 months and a long vacation at least once a year. Facial and body massage on alternate weeks!
7 Things I Do Now:
Going to bed at 12 midnight each day. Visit the massaeur to cure my back ache! Grocery shopping for survival! Look out for the best deal in disposable diapers. Ensure his milk & water bag is with me every time I leave the house. Watch Barney DVDs.
7 Things I Want to do:
Win the lottery (yes!) as it has snowballed to RM20million now! Own a decent house with easy one-touch buttons to automatically clean the whole house (as I dont trust live-in maids). Of course, a vacation every 3 months (near or far, it does not matter) without having to worry about $$$. And just like VG, a cure for obesity without involving the word "exercise" or "surgery" or "pills" .. maybe just another one-push button would be good *smile*. Have the means to help the sick or poor children, poor single-mothers and sick elderly people that cross my path. Find a cure for naughty kids (and make more $$$ with this cure!) And last but not least, to learn baking and to enjoy baking at home without the lil one grabbing on to one side of my leg and asking me to carry him!
7 Things That Attract Me About the Opposite Sex:
Must be tall. Speak well. Presentable. Genuine. Caring. Honest. Knows how to earn money!
7 Favourite Foods:
Nasi lemak. Coffee (it is food to me). Chocolates (its food too). Seafood. Steamboat. My mom's Mee Siam. Ice cream (ok, ok, I know but to me they are food!)
And for more fun and some reading pleasure, I wish to pass this award to :
Mummy Yiau
2 Little 2 Mention
Kooky Culinary
Moonlight Rendesvous
Looking forward to read all your fun posts!