I am a FTWM with a wonderful and supporting husband and a lovely, happy toddler with his ever-lasting energy. This blog is all about my journey as a home based baker & mommie as well as our family's happenings especially now that we have our very own family and home.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sit Daddie's Car
Bryan : Go school.
Mommie : Bryan wear new uniform, take new bag, sit Aunty Fong's car, go school ok?
Bryan : Sit Daddie's car
Mommie : Daddie go work. Mommie also go work. Bryan sit Aunty Fong's car, go school ok?
Bryan : No! Sit Daddie's car.
Mommie : Daddie go work wor. Bryan go school ok?
Bryan : Go school, ok.
Mommie : Sit Aunty Fong's car ok?
Bryan : No! Sit Daddie's car!
On one hand, so happy, he dont simply follow other people's car. Sometimes, even my SIL's car, he will bising one, dont want to sit in there, unless I follow him.
Hope this coming Monday would not be a tough session emotionally :-(
Monday, December 28, 2009
Flower Power!

A really nice X'Mas gathering!
Not much time for pics but here's sharing with you what I managed to capture.
Below is the kinda-miserable turkey we ordered. Initially, when I went to pick it up, I was disappointed that it turned out so small. But during dinner, I was glad it was just the right size. I saved some meat and the bones for an awesome turkey porridge to come!

And here is the duck bruchetta that my great old pal helped me with! So thankful for his help. It turned out great! My SIL is asking for the recipe!

Prepared the salad in the afternoon and kept it chilled. Only poured the dressing over about dinner time. Sauteed some broccoli with ham too, for those we dont take fresh vege. I liked thi salad a lot. Next round, should add more nuts for a crunchy bite!

I tried being a bit creative and used my bento cutter to make some x'mas tree shaped watermelon. But I could not stomach the wastage that comes with this method. So I improvised and made "bigger" trees instead! Do you like it?

This is the konnyaku jelly I made the night before. Taste wise was at the right level of sweetness and texture wise, was quite ok. I shall keep to this recipe of 850ml of water + 220 gm sugar to 1 packet of konnyaku jelly. Its perfect for me.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Menu
Firstly, I made an order (way ahead!) for a honey-roasted turkey with chestnut stuffing! Rm198 for a 4-kg bird was not too bad you know. Then, I have some aglio olio spaghetti dished up warm *wink* to go with the big bird. Some side dishes .. say a fresh rainbow salad and a duck bruschetta and voila! Its a complete meal! And for my MIL's sake, I decided to ask a friend to get me some of that famous satay along the highway for that night. In case, she does not like the big bird. It's her first time, so .... And remember, dont go to any branch, just the "along the highway" branch.
But how can we not have any dessert? So I am thinking of whipping up a ribena cheesecake. Yes! Ribena cheesecake! Never tried before leh. I'll show you some pics next week ok? And how about a warm brownie too? I bought bags of almonds and walnuts over the weekend, so I may bake them by tomorrow evening, if not on Friday morning itself.
For yum seng, we will have some wine. And a bottle of coffee liquor all the way from my Langkawi trip. And of course for the kids and non-mabuk kaki, will get them some lychee fizzy to cool their throat after a heavy meal!
How bout that! Sounds good?? Sure sounds good but not sure how the dishes are going to actually turn out. Wish me luck please. Loads of em!
Monday, December 21, 2009
I'm up for one now!
- I never bought anything online prior to blogging!
- I even never believed that those things that were up for sale online would actually be sent to me after paying for it!
- Of course, i also never knew about Paypal before! (laugh at me lah)
- I never knew there were so many friendships to be made
- And so many goodies to be shared!
I am one, who would never spend more than necessary. Even on my own wedding photos! You know how they sell wedding-photography packages right? The give you the bare minimum and then try to entice you to add on more & more photos to your wedding album? Well, I was one of the sceptical ones. I took the 16-page minimum package and the studio owner was shocked! He said I was the rare few who wanted just the "basic" photos whilst most brides would want the max! To me, they are only nice the first few weeks. After that, its mostly hidden in the cupboard.
I only started blogging over a year ago. And along in the blogging world, I was exposed to many online stores and I loved the way it made blogging mommies who are home full time taking care of their loved ones, make their living worth so much more! Then I started buying online clothing for Bryan. Some were good and some were not. But that's life I guess.
One thing that I have not tried at all and have been sceptical about spending a few hundred ringgit, is those model-like photography shots! I have seen so many mommies have these photos taken while pregnancy, newborn shots, family shots, etc and after seeing so many, I wonder if I would loose out on the lovely moments not being captured ...... will I, will I???

I borrowed this pics from TwoPixels website and I think I am in love with this. Actually it made me regret that I didnt take some good pics of Bryan when he was born.
He was such a difficult baby and he still is a difficult toddler, and honestly, I dont have any mood for all this. Maybe I should just leave this to the professionals?? Good idea?
But I am still not willing to spend so much leh .. especially for the first time? Is it really worth it? I am not convinced! But I can try my luck! Luck is free one mah right? Call me al-cheapo or call me kiasu, whatever. No harm trying right? So wish me luck! Who knows, I may fall head-over-heels with such photography leh and will have many many more sessions leh *wink*. So, hope I am one f the 3 lucky bloggers to win a free photography package! It would make a perfect New Year's gift for us!!!!!
Test Test Kitchen Again
Did not get in the hourly maids this week. So after sending Bryan off to mom's place in the morning, I cleaned and mopped the house. Wuuaah, at night no choice, ask hubby to give me a deep-muscle rub with some Counterpain ointment! Now I know how it feels when age catches up!

I tried making a fanciful looking finger food cos it was rather easy but looks changgih *wide cheeky smile*. But the taste was disastrous! The original recipe calls for bacon to be wrapped over the immitation crab sticks, but I did have any in my fridge, so gua tried using ham lor ... but it was tasteless. So it was a failure. So this Friday, less one thing to serve my guests during our X'Mas dinner lah. I sure hope my turkey which I ordered would be a killer! Else, boring lah my X'Mas dinner party. Next, have to experiment on my cheese cake .... hmm!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Oven & Kitchen Time!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Still hunting for kindy!
Friday, December 4, 2009
I tried