Oh no! Distractions again! There goes my health plan for the week!
But the good news is .. Happy 70th Birthday, Mother!!!!
Its was my mother-in-law's birthday last Tuesday and both my sister-in-law and their respective families will be flying & driving back to KL to celebrate this very auspicious & joyous occasion.
We had a lovely dinner at one of the local chinese restaurant.
She has requested for a similar "monk-jump-over-the-wall" that we had during this year's Mothers' Day celebrations. She really loved it cos it was the authentic (and very expensive!)
version (smile smile) and since my sis-in-law from Hong Kong is back in town, she suggested we order that again to let them try.
We also had several other dishes .. pics below ... but no pics of the famous "monk-jump-over-the-wall" cos by the time the dish arrived, I almost lost my appetite attending to my hyper-active son ...
But the good news is .. Happy 70th Birthday, Mother!!!!
Its was my mother-in-law's birthday last Tuesday and both my sister-in-law and their respective families will be flying & driving back to KL to celebrate this very auspicious & joyous occasion.
We had a lovely dinner at one of the local chinese restaurant.
She has requested for a similar "monk-jump-over-the-wall" that we had during this year's Mothers' Day celebrations. She really loved it cos it was the authentic (and very expensive!)
version (smile smile) and since my sis-in-law from Hong Kong is back in town, she suggested we order that again to let them try.
We also had several other dishes .. pics below ... but no pics of the famous "monk-jump-over-the-wall" cos by the time the dish arrived, I almost lost my appetite attending to my hyper-active son ...

We also had the birthday cake specially ordered from the very famous Just Heavenly team.

Its a marbled butter covered with a just-nice sweetness of buttercream and some cute little "sau pau" as decoration. This is my birthday gift to her and I hope she likes it.
I also hoped everybody enjoyed the cake much as I did! Oops! Sorry! I know I should not eat too much .. but I just had one piece ... really!