I am a FTWM with a wonderful and supporting husband and a lovely, happy toddler with his ever-lasting energy. This blog is all about my journey as a home based baker & mommie as well as our family's happenings especially now that we have our very own family and home.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Moving On ...
The current job is actually not too bad. Well, let's say that each & every company we work for, has its pleasant & unpleasant experiences. If I was in my late 40s, I would happily stay on till I retire! But I am not. And I dont intend to be here till I retire cos I hardly have the opportunity to maximise the usage of my brains here. You may think that - wow! so nice ar .. dont really have to work! Well, its true. Its nice - but only for a while. There will come such times that makes you wonder if this is indeed what you want (albeit the easy work life here) or should you strive harder and further and maximise your potential in a new environment. I have chosen the latter. As I need to exercise my brains to the max so that I can catch up with my son's memory!!!
Not to boast but its almost free salary for me each month. And the salary is not too bad at all! I have had a few opportunities knock on my door for the past 2 years but it wasn't good enough for a move. But this one is different. And totally worth considering. And I have no hesitations.
Wish me luck in my new adventure!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
He knows ...
I tell ya, it's a harrowing experience trying to get him to sit on the potty! He just hates it! Remember how I told you before his unique style of doing big business? That even gave him medical problems? Well I am sure glad those days are over!
2 days ago, my mom told me that he asked for the potty. He sat there for 5 minutes while watching his current favourite DVD (latest fav is Tom & Jerry lar). He managed to poo-poo a little ... which for us is such a big achievement! Mommie & Daddie clapped & clapped to show him that he has done a good job!
Yesterday, my mom said he did even better. He asked for the potty again and sat there for 10 full minutes and he managed to poo-poo a lot! Wah ... we was so happy to hear that! We clapped again to show him that he was a big boy now and can now do it correctly what he is suppose to do!
Being parents are so magical. Even shit is good news to us! I never imagined that shitty news can be such lovely news!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Daddie's Day!
We actually left the house at 4.30pm! Why??? Cos we had to go over to the new house to meet up with our grille contractor at 5. Then he didnt turn up .. busy celebrating Fathers' Day kua ....
MIL & SIL wanted to view the unit as well, so we took them on a mini-tour. MIL commented that the living room so small ....my mom also commented the same thing ... but why need such a big living room? Only 3-4 pax living there.
We headed out to the mini kids park within the vicinity ... lil one was running like nobody's business. Up & down the slide. His favourite! Sampai time for dinner also our fren dont wanna leave. So how? Just carry him away & let him cry lor.
Mommie also ordered a small teeny weeny jelly cake from JellyCakeHouse for Daddie. Supposedly from Bryan to his Dad lar but of course I pay lar. I never deduct from his angpow money (yet!) Hahaha.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Interior of the House
Our dining room is also quite spacious but it is shaped in an exact square, so I am really considering a square square dining table. Not a round or a rectangular one. Some say it will go out of fashion easily ... so we'll see.
The wet kitchen is not that spacious lar but more than enough for me. The dry kitchen nearby is also spacious enough for all that I have in mind.
Below: Indoor courtyard, wet kitchen, living room, dry kitchen

Below : MBR's sunken bath area.

Monday, June 15, 2009
House Defect Inspection
Overall I would say my unit is acceptable. Acceptable in the sense that there is no major structural defect. However, there were quite a number of minor defects such as hairline crack, wall paintings and flooring timber strips to touch up, plaster ceiling not levelled, etc, etc.
We spotted 2 areas with watermarks on my LG floor. We of course highlighted this to the site supervisor. He admitted that there was a leakage before and he has patched up but they forgot to repaint the affected area. I do hope that it is indeed true, else water leakages within your wall can be the BIGGEST headache! I will be on a close look-out on these 2 spots as we have 18 months from date of VP to get them to rectify till we are satisfied.
I will leave you with part of the defects we spotted at our home.

The design of our home is such that it does not need any extension front or back or any hacking of wall, etc. So this alone woul d have saved us quite a bit on the so-called renovation. Most of the costs involved would be to enhance the property, new furniture and fittings, etc.
Overall I love my new home and I will load up some pics of the overall home tomorrow. Its pretty spacious and with a grand ceiling height on the living room, it gives the place a tinge of grandeur and airyness to the house. See ya tomorrow!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Exciting Weekend Ahead!
Monday, June 8, 2009
New Kid Clothing Store in Town!!!
The Baby Bliss will be launched online today (8 June 2009) and to commemorate its online opening, they are giving away free RM10 vouchers to 30 lucky visitors!

visit the site. click here and it will get you there instantly!
- subscribe yourself to their mailing list for latest updates!
- every 8th person will walk away with the free voucher!
- its that simple!
Its website is just newly set up and therefore a first range of clothes for boys and girls are available such tops, bottoms & 2-piece suits. There are also other essential items like air-flow mat & mattresses, really cute baby clips and bottle holders, cool looking baby carriers & lots more! In time to come, there will be many more exciting products available.
Note that these clothings are very very reasonably priced and therefore very affordable. Pretty dresses for only RM39. Isnt that a good price?
For those of you who live in Petaling Jaya or for those who dont mind driving to PJ for a good source of baby & toddler clothings, do remember to drop by their outlet.
Lot 2.13(e), 2nd Floor,The Atria Shopping Centre,Jalan SS22/23, Damansara Jaya,47400 Petaling Jaya.
Official Store Opening on 14th June 2009 (Sunday)!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sun, Sand & Sea
This time round, mom came along too, together with my aunt & my cousins who had a little boy who is the same age as Bryan. So I guess, it was a good outing for the 2 boys as well as long as they dont fight over toys! Bryan used to be the agressive one and would often just pull away whatever toy his lil cousin would be holding on to, but this trip, both of them were very fren-fren. A bit more grown up kua now since both are 2 yrs old already.
I am getting abit worried after this outing. Simply because my son refuses to step on the sand or the sea barefoot! Nope! Not even on the grass! He was clinging so tight to anyone who would be willing to carry him. There was no way to make him even try stepping on them. He would scream his lungs out!
Coming to think of it, we hardly ever allow them to be bare-footed if we were to be out of the house right? So probably he thought it was not ok for him to be bare-footed other than inside our home.
I think I have to work on this issue a bit more. Else, how on earth is he going to really enjoy his childhood days right? Playing computer games? No way!

Saw a few Malay kids happily enjoying themselves in the sea. They just dont seem to be afraid and jump up & down in the water. There was a toddler (probably abt a year old only) who was walking right into the sea (with his mom lar of course) and here I have mine who refuses to even allow us to carry him & walk close to the sea. Alamak!
Can you see his worried face in the pics below? And note the colour of our sea.

Perhaps to Cameron Highland next?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ostrich Farm, Port Dickson
Our dear master did not kick up a fuss in the car. He behaved pretty well, but insisted he sits on my lap in the front passenger seat. As long as he can stay quiet, I am happy.
As we can only check-in at 1pm, we decided to stop by the Ostrich Farm. I thought it would be great for him to see some real ostriches and I actually expected to see some great ostrich races for real! How silly I was! I forgot that I am in Malaysia .. duh! Like every other tourist destination and tourist attraction, this place is so badly maintained after a few years in operations.

Would I go there again? Of course not! Would I recommend anyone to go there? You will kill me. Then where else to go to kill time before check-in? I also don't know cos the rest seem to be not so toddler-friendly. Maybe Eagle Range would have been better. Not sure also.
While I was there, tried their pathetic ostrich satay. 6 sticks for RM10. We ordered 30. It taste like beef but not as tough. Quite tender but a bit "sou" smell. I guess for this sort of meat, it has to be very deeply marinated like satay, rendang or fried with black pepper. Other dishes not suitable. Anyone knows if there is ostrich burger in our local supermarkets?
Will try to post tomorrow, my lil one's first ever encounter with the sand & sea!
Monday, June 1, 2009
How to take pics like that!
As the lil one grows up, I find that he is slowly understanding us more and more. He does not really kick up a big fuss in the car. Well, he does get bored but when I explain to him, he seems to understand and then lies down under your arms (baby position lah) and manja-manja with me for a while. But all hell breaks loose when we reached! Its like letting him out of jail I tell ya!
For obvious reasons, I cant have the camera with me when he is around. He is just ALL OVER THE PLACE and I have to chase him and be as close to him as possible so that he does not break anything or get kidnapped! He can run damn fast ok! Sampai I really have to sprint to catch him .. else ar .. he surely out of my sight in just a mere 5 seconds!!
As much as I planned to blog about the trip with wonderful, beautiful and everything else "ful" pictures ... but I dont really have any decent spontaneuous shots! I kinda envy those bloggers that can have so so so many good shots with their DSLR cameras ... jelesnya! Moreover, I was soaking wet in my own sweat all the time! Of course I can ask hubby to take pics for me lah but he wont really know what I want, so .... but again, got some pics is better than no pics at all???? Ha! Ha! Ha!
Anyway, I will blog as much as I can about the short trip with some simple pics when I find some time to upload them. See ya real soon!