No joke - the sale is really genuine! What I mean is .. they are really really cheap compared to what is sold at the local departmental stores and they also offer the newer designs as well (that is if you are quick enough to grab them!)

If you are really looking out to buy some dinnersets, make sure you are there early. Cos usually by noon .... only the individual pieces are available.
Will I be there to grab some more? No lah, I have enough to last me this entire marriage! Ha! Ha! Ha!
only pryex & corelle?? any nonstick pan n pots? the black non stick stuff??
Littlelamb - got plenty!
Wow...this is nice! I used to go to Langkawi to get my stuff LOL
oh! couldn't be there to avail the sale.. but nevertheless wait for some good bargain here... :)
rite now.. no money to add to my addition.. i have corelle the plum series... :(
I went to Atria. Really wanted to get some pinggan mangkuk for daily use but then, semua dah habis. You borong ke? Hahaha... Clever me, went there on Sunday petang. Anyway, pergi petang pun, my hubby punya poket got such big hole! I didn't ask for it. He insisted to buy where else, I am the one cooking! Hahaha...Next time cannot bring him to all these sales la... can go pokai!
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