I have been pretty excited about planning for our first "real" holiday since Bryan was born. Moreover, a free 3D2N accommodation at The Andaman was just too good to let go!

You know, I have been waiting for ages to go on a real holiday! I have been waiting for the day where my son understands instructions (following instructions is another thing lah!), waiting for him to know how to sit still (not jumping about like lil monkey) and waiting for him to be able to eat a variety of food comfortably (and not having to carry along my slowcooker to boil porridge!).
We have even booked our flight! But now ... after 6 more deaths in one day relating to H1N1 is beginning to worry me lah! Todate, there are 44 deaths and most of them are in the high-risk category ... meaning kids and old folks lor. Aiyoh ... how now? To go or not to go?
I know, sure you will say, better be safe than sorry right? But .. but .. but .. aiyoh. Have to wait and see a lil longer ... cos trip will coincide with the long Merdeka weekend ... still got time to monitor the situation.
Err ... is there any precautionary jabs for my prince to strenghten his immune system against flu-related illnesses? Can consider wor hor?