I have baked & iced many cakes before but they were always for family and friends but this one can collect money one .. wuahahahha!
Customer only had one request and that it must be a Thomas Train cake. I googled for some ideas and finally decided on this train design as I felt it was much more attractive than a simple round or square cake. Do you like it?

Its a vanilla butter cake with buttericing. Face of Thomas was hand-moulded fondant. Every single thing on the cake board is edible including the tyres, tracks, etc :-)
The cake was almost 2.5kg *heavy*. I normally do not deliver but if its nearby or on my way, I dont mind delivering it to the customer. Qi Xuan was really really happy to see his cake! Cake deliveries are every baker's nightmare but I guess when you see a child so happy with your creation .. its indeed very satisfying.